My Life with Digital Technology

by jackattack326

Technology has so cleverly involved itself in every aspect of my life most of us no longer think of it or even dare to picture a world without it. To help me put it in perspective I went a day like I normally did but I would record overtime I interacted with a digital technology. Here are the results:
7:30am: Alarm rings from my iPhone
8am: Uses “Hey Siri” function to check weather (iPhone still)
8:05am: I power on my electric unicycle ride towards work
9am: Put on my Airpods and reach back into Spotify to push play
9:30am: Pushes button to go up for elevators followed by pushing button for the floor
10am:Opens laptop for note taking using the keyboard in Evernote
10:10am: projector turns on as lecture slides are presented to me
1pm: Walk towards best buy as doors automatically open 
1pm: Cameras surround me at best buy watching over me
1:30pm: walk out of best buy and turns on my Electric Unicycle heading towards Adidas Store
1:32pm: Traffic light that puts me at a halt as the sounds of the traffic light makes a chirping noise
1:40pm: Walk into adidas and more cameras stare at me
2pm: I use the debit machine as I make a purchase
2:02pm: turns on my electric unicycle to go home
2:20pm: Pushes the crosswalk button as the lights above flash. 
2:30pm: arrive home and switches on my computer to do various tasks
10pm: Turns off computer and lights.
Given that Monday it was a fairly simple day it just goes to show how much technology we interact with everyday. Given this is a fairly usual routine for me we often don’t think about the amount of technology we interact with but it has inherently become natural for us to use. I think that’s what technology is suppose to be for us, a way for us to improve our lifestyle in various ways without any disruption or distraction. All of these movements have become extremely natural. Trying to picture the same day without the technological advancements it would have probably meant I needed to wake up early to spend time just waiting for the weather report or wake up at the perfect time to turn on the TV where I would be able to hear the weather report from the TV. Without elevators I would have needed to walk the stairs. Life would be a lot more efficient and I would have definitely been back home at a later time. 
 Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and outdoor
(And for those of you who read this blog but don’t understand what an electric unicycle is this is a photo of me on the right with my buddy on the left riding a hoverboard)
Checklist of looking like I came back from the future:
√ Hoverboard
√Futuristic Wireless Earphones
X Self Lacing Shoes