7 keys to succeeding in EID100

by jackattack326

Raise Questions and be curious 

I came in thinking I knew a lot of what this course was going to teach me however this was not the case. There is a lot of terminology and theory to remember if you don’t understand..ask! It’s likely that if you didn’t understand someone else in class didn’t either!


Not only is this a good way for you to earn your marks but this will help you stay focused and stay related to the content. They will also engrain into your head much easier! Don’t be shy! Break from your shell, tell a story, share an experience or just simply comment! Make this class fun for you make this class fun for everyone else!

Be Kahoot ready!

Listen…there’s has never been a class with more competition. The first test is to come up with an interesting name for the Kahoot quiz. And now if you’ve focused in class you have to use ur muscle memory to click on the four answer sections on your phone as fast as possible to achieve the highest mark. Don’t rush though, it’s better to think about your answers before you submit them! Also remember not to refresh your page because you won’t be able to get back into the game. They are also great study and revision material so feel free to sign up and search for ‘EID100’ to find previous Kahoots.

Stay up to date with current events

The lectures includes element where they relate to current events. Professor Sagarwala always uses them to help students understand theory and definition. Make sure you are reading the news so that when these examples are made to connect to a terminology you fully understand.

Understand your memes

Memes heavily dominate the course and they are in the lectures to make the class fun! If you don’t understand memes take the time out of your day to learn about meme culture so they can help you through your courses.

Come charged up!

This tip is both literal and internal. Come ready to learn and excited every class, if you find out the material isn’t interesting for you perhaps it’s try to look for another course. Literal: there are no power outlets given the classroom is still in the 2nd floor Vic building! Make sure your phone, your battery pack, your laptop, your vape pen are all charged up because there are no outlets.


Use the tools at your disposal  

When it comes time to studying remember to save all those Youtube live stream links because they are unlisted.  Save them so you can watch the lecture again if you wish. Follow the #EID100 hashtags on Twitter and read through the questions and answers.
